Evan Hermel, PhD

- ehermel@touro.edu
- 707-638-5241
Areas of Expertise
Immunology, Molecular Biology, Medical Virology
- 8/1986-10/1992 Ph.D. in Immunology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
(Kirsten Fischer Lindahl, advisor) - 9/1980-5/1983 M.S. in Medical Biology/Immunology
C.W. Post College of Long Island University, Greenvale, NY - 9/1974-12/1978 B.A. in Biology
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Honors and Awards
- 2022 Graduation hooder, Ruby Gilmore and Stephany Arcuri, Class of 2022
- 2018 Graduation hooder, Amrita Mahesh, COM Class of 2018
- 2016 Graduation hooder, Michael Swiatkowski, COM Class of 2016
- 2012 Graduation hooder, Tamara Taber, COM Class of 2012
- 2010 Graduation hooder, Mary Hung, COM Class of 2010
- 2008 Faculty Speaker, Class of 2008 Graduation and Teacher of the Year award
- 2008 Graduation hooder, Michelle Lee, COM Class of 2008
- 2008 Teacher of the Year Award, Class of 2008
- 2007 Graduation hooder, Romina Shirka, COM Class of 2007
- 2001 Faculty Service Award in Clinical Education
- 2000 Best Use of Case Studies Teaching Award
- 1992 Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Forum Award
Recent Publications
In preparation
S. Gnanashanmugam and E. Hermel. Long COVID: One Disease, or More?
1. E. Hermel. Caspase-12 and lupus: the curious case of the dog that didn’t bark. 2016. Inflammation & Cell Signaling. e3:1383.
2. E. Hermel. Caspase-12, rheumatoid arthritis, and the dog that didn’t bark. 2016. Immunogenetics Online Access, 1:1-3
3. T. Fuchs, J.A. Kelly, E. Simon, K. L. Sivils and E. Hermel. 2016. The anti-inflammatory CASPASE-12 gene does not influence SLE phenotype in African-Americans. Immunology Letters 173: 21–25
4. L. Marshall, M. Obaidullah, T. Fuchs, N.S. Fineberg, G. Brinkley, T.R. Mikuls, S. L. Bridges Jr. and E. Hermel. 2014. CASPASE-12 and rheumatoid arthritis in African-Americans. Immunogenetics 66:281-5
5. M. Yavari, K.D. Klapstein, W.C. Hartwig, R. Rao, and E. Hermel. 2012. Identification of the functional CASPASE-12 allele in Indian subpopulations. Int. J. Immunogenetics. 39:389-93
6. E. Hermel and K.D. Klapstein. 2011. A possible mechanism for maintenance of the deleterious allele of human CASPASE-12. Med. Hypotheses 77:803–806
7. G. Zhou, D. Wu, E. Balogh, E. Hermel and M. Gochin. 2010. Design, synthesis and evaluation of indole compounds as novel inhibitors targeting gp41. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 20:1500-1503.
8. J.E. Young, L. Gouw, S. Propp, B.L. Sopher, J. Taylor, A. Lin, E. Hermel, A. Logvinova, S.F. Chen, S. Chen, D.E. Bredesen, R. Truant, L.J. Ptacek, A.R. La Spada, and L.M. Ellerby. 2007. Proteolytic cleavage of ataxin-7 by caspase-7 modulates cellular toxicity and transcriptional dysregulation. J. Biol. Chem. 282:30150-60.
9. E. Hermel, A.J. Hart, I. Gunduz, H. Acton, C. Kim, M. Wurth, S. Uddin, C. Smith, K. Fischer Lindahl and C.J. Aldrich. 2004. Polymorphism and conservation of the genes encoding Qa1 molecules. Immunogenetics. 56:639-49.
10. J. Gafni, E. Hermel, J. Young, C.L. Wellington, R. Siman, M.R. Hayden and L.M. Ellerby. 2004. Inhibition of calpain cleavage of huntingtin reduces toxicity: accumulation of calpain/caspase fragments in the nucleus. J. Biol. Chem. 279:20211-20.
11. E. Hermel, J.Gafni, S.S. Propp, B.R. Leavitt, C.L. Wellington, J.E. Young, A.S. Hackam, A.V. Logvinova, A.L. Peel, S.F. Chen, V. Hook, R. Singaraja, S.Krajewski, P.C. Goldsmith, H.M. Ellerby, G.S. Salvesen, M.R. Hayden, D.E. Bredesen, and L.M. Ellerby. 2004. Specific caspase interactions and amplification are involved in selective neuronal vulnerability in Huntington’s disease. Cell Death Differentiation. 11:424-438.
12. R.V. Rao, A. Peel, A. Logvinova, G. del Rio, E. Hermel, T. Yokota, P.C. Goldsmith, L.M. Ellerby, H.M. Ellerby and D.E. Bredesen. 2002. Coupling endoplasmic reticulum stress to the cell death program: role of the ER chaperone GRP78. FEBS Letters 25777:1-7.
13. T. Chun, E. Hermel, H. R. Gaskins, and C.J. Aldrich. 2001. CTL and cDNA sequence analyses of the MHC class Ib molecule Qa1 in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. Immunogenetics. 53:506-510.
14. R. Rao, E. Hermel, S. Castro-Obregon, A. Logvinova, G. Del Rio, L. M. Ellerby, P.C. Goldsmith, H.M. Ellerby and D.E. Bredesen. 2001. Coupling endoplasmic reticulum stress to the cell death program: mechanism of caspase activation. J. Biol. Chem. 276:33869-74.
15. E. Hermel, C. Smith and C.J. Aldrich. 2000. Allogeneic responses to the class Ib antigen Qa1: limited TcR Vα but not Vβ chain usage. Immunogenetics. 51:600-605.
16. E. Hermel, A. Hart, R. Miller and C.J. Aldrich. 1999. CTL and sequence analysis of MHC class IB antigens Qa1c (H2-T23r) and Qa1d (H2-T23f). Immunogenetics. 49:712-717.
17. E. Hermel, M. Han, B. Hague, T. Kindt and J.J. Monaco. 1999. Isolation and mapping of the DM genes of rabbit. Implications for the evolution of the DM family. Immunogenetics. 49:295-302.
18. T. Chun, E. Hermel, C.J. Aldrich and H. R. Gaskins. 1999. Porcine LMP7 proteasome subunit cDNA cloning and expression analysis. Immunogenetics. 49:72-77.
19. E. Hermel, E. Grigorenko and C.J. Aldrich. 199
Memberships and Affiliations
- Member, American Association of Immunologists
Teaching Responsibilities
Course coordinator: Infection and Immunity (HSOC607)
Lecturer: Immunology and Microbiology lectures and TBL for 1st and 2nd year osteopathic medical students (FOM, MED600; CNS/MS, MED 604; GERD, MED642; CVRR, MED 622; HSOC607).