All leaders within the Touro College and University system share the values expressed by our founder, Dr. Bernard Lander. Those values include social justice, human equality service, commitment, and caring.
On the campus of Touro University California, our leaders have dedicated their lives to these ideals and work constantly to ensure they are integral here at Touro.

Dr. Bernard Lander, Ph.D.
A teacher to many and a friend to all, Dr. Bernard Lander’s inspired—and inspiring—leadership has defined our history and his legacy will shape our future.
By the time he founded Touro College in 1970, Dr. Lander had already established himself as an educational innovator, a trusted and beloved community figure, and a highly regarded thought leader.

Dr. Alan Kadish, M.D.
Alan Kadish, M.D. is President of the Touro College and University System, the largest Jewish-sponsored educational institution in the United States.
Before succeeding as Touro’s second president in March 2010, Dr. Kadish distinguished himself as a prominent cardiologist, dedicated teacher and researcher, and experienced administrator.
Chief Academic Officer

Dr. Tami Hendriksz, D.O., FACOP, FAAP
Interim Chief Academic Officer, Touro University California
Dean & CAO, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Vice President & CEO

Newman Hoffman, J.D.
Vice President and Interim CEO
Newman J. Hoffman came to Touro University California after working as Associate General Counsel at Touro University in New York and New York Medical College.
University Deans
College of Education and Health Sciences

Dr. Steven Jacobson, EdD
Interim Dean, College of Education and Health Sciences
Our nursing, physician assistant, and public health programs are part of the College of Education & Health Sciences (CEHS). The members of the CEHS leadership team are each accomplished in their field and committed to supporting our students and mission.
College of Pharmacy

Dr. Catherine Cone, PharmD, BCPS
Interim Dean, College of Pharmacy
College of Osteopathic Medicine

Dr. Tami Hendriksz, DO, FACOP, FAAP
Dean and Chief Academic Officer
Student Affairs

Dr. Steven Jacobson, EdD
Vice Provost, Dean of Student Affairs
Leadership Team
Members of the Touro University California Academic Leadership Team include:
Dr. Tami Hendriksz, Dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine
Newman Hoffman, Vice President & Interim CEO
Dr. Catherine Cone, Interim Dean of the College of Pharmacy
Dr. Steve Jacobson, Vice Provost and Dean of Student Affairs
Dr. Jim O’Connor, Director of the Center for Innovative Learning and Teaching, Western Division
Dr. Meiling Tang, Associate Vice President for Institutional Research
Tamara Trujillo, Library Director
Andrea Garcia, Vice President of Advancement
Pawan Sahota, Director of Human Resources
Zachary Shapiro, Compliance Officer
Barinder Dhillon Flanagan, Director of Information Technology
Patrick Donaghue, Director of Facilities
Gloria Klapstein, Chair of Faculty Senate
Jennifer Lumaye, Chair of Staff Council
Rabbi Elchonon Tenenbaum, University Rabbi