Catherine Cone, PharmD, BCPS

- 707-638-5382
- @catherine-cone-93887955
Areas of Expertise
Assessment; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Skills Development; Critical Thinking
Catherine Cone, PharmD, Professor of Clinical Sciences at Touro University College of Pharmacy in California completed her pharmacy practice residency at the Raymond G. Murphy VA Health Care System in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1998. At the VA, Dr. Cone worked in an inpatient setting, as an ambulatory care specialist with prescriptive authority and as the residency program director prior to moving into academia in 2007. Dr. Cone joined faculty at the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy where she coordinated and taught 2 skills lab courses where simulation was the focus for integrated learning. Her practice site was an Occupational Medicine clinic. In 2015 Dr. Cone joined Roseman University College of Pharmacy as the Assistant Dean for Assessment and continued coordinating and teaching in the skills lab setting. Recently, Dr. Cone joined Touro as the Associate Dean for Assessment. Her research focus is on the scholarship of teaching and learning with particular interest in higher ordered thinking and programmatic assessment practices.
The University of Arizona College of Pharmacy
Degree: Doctor of Pharmacy with Rho Chi and Phi Lambda Sigma
Tucson, AZ, May 1997
Post Graduate Pharmacy Residency PGY1
Certificate: American Society of Health Systems Pharmacy
Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center
Albuquerque, NM, June 1998
Honors and Awards
Research and Scholarship Program
Certificate: American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Certification 2014
Research Boot Camp
Certificate: American Society of Health System Pharmacy Foundation
Certification 2009
Medical Spanish Course
Certificate: Roseman University of Health Sciences CE
Certification 2019
Recent Publications
Cone C, Malcom D, Lebovitz L, Kreys E, Hardy Y, Frankart L, Mielczarek M. A Multicenter Study of Gender Bias in Student Evaluation of Teaching in Pharmacy Programs. CPTL. On-line ahead of print,
Cone C, Gundrum D, Lipsky M. Towards Fidelity in Pharmacy Education with the Patient Care Process for Delivering Comprehensive Medication Management. Am Journal of Pharm Educ. 2022 Mar; 86 (3) 8565; DOI:
Cone C, Unni E. Achieving Consensus using a Modified Delphi Technique Embedded in Lewin’s Change Management Model to Improve Faculty Satisfaction. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2020 Feb 19;S1551-7411(19)31048-4. doi: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2020.02.007.
Lipsky M, Cone CJ, Lawrence P, Watson S. Mastery Learning in a Bachelor’s of Nursing Program: the Roseman University of Health Sciences Experience. BMC Nurs. 2019; 18(52): online open access doi:10.1186/s12912-019-0371-x
Gupta V, Viswesh V, Cone CJ, Unni E. A Qualitative Analysis of the Impact of Changes to Student Evaluation of Teaching. Online ahead of print: AJPE7110 June 2018
Cone CJ, Viswesh V, Gupta V, Unni E. Motivators, Barriers, and Strategies to Improve Response Rate to Student Evaluation of Teaching. CPTL 2018;10(12):1543-1549.
Lipsky MS, Cone CJ. A Review of Mastery Learning: The Roseman Model as an Illustrative Case. Educ Health 2018;31:39-42. DOI: 10.4103/efh.EfH_338_16
Cone CJ, Smith MA, Yamada M. Debriefing to Improve Student Ability to Assess and Plan for the Care of Persons with Disability. J Simul Healthc. 2017;12(6):356-363.
Cone CJ, Bond R, Salazar K, Thompson M, Myers O, Godwin D. Incorporation of an Explicit Critical Thinking Curriculum to Improve Pharmacy Students’ Critical Thinking Skills. Am J Pharm Ed. 2016; 80(3): Article 41.
Cone CJ, Horowitz BL. Convulsions associated with moxifloxacin. AJHP. 2015; 72(11): 910.
Cone CJ, Bond R, Pierson J. Teaching Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving in a Self-Care Lab: A Skills-Based Approach. Cur in Pharm Teaching and Learning. 2013; 5(5): 342-50.
Cone CJ, Salazar K. Self-Care of Common Cold Symptoms. Remington PharmacyComplete Case Studies. Available from: In press 2012.
Bond R, Cone CJ. Improving Student Confidence in Skill Performance in a Pharmaceutical Care Lab Setting. Pharm Educ. 2012;12(1):20-24.
Dawn S, Dominguez KD, Troutman WG, Bond R, Cone C. Instructional Scaffolding to Improve Students' Skills in Evaluating Clinical Literature. Am J Pharm Educ. 2011 May 10;75(4):62.
Dawn S, Smith M, Peterson S, Cone C, Salazar K, Bond R, Godwin D. Electronic Portfolios: Questions, Implementation, and Lessons Learned in a Doctor of Pharmacy Program. Cur in Pharm Teaching and Learning. 2011;3:164-70.
Cone C, Murata G, Myers O. Demographic Determinants of Response to Statin Medications. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2011 Mar 15;68(6):511-7.
Campbell HM, Khan N, Cone C, Raisch DW. Relationship Between Diet, Exercise Habits, and Health Status Among Patients with Diabetes. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2011 Jun; 7(2):151-61. Epub 2010 May 7.
Cone C, Bachryrcz A, Murata G. Hepatotoxicity Associated with Metformin Therapy in Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Ann Pharmacother. 2010 Oct; 44(10):1655-9. Epub 2010 Aug 31.
Cone CJ, Nguyen S. Community SOAP Note. Gupta V, Williams E, Clark M, Nguyen S, Cone C, editors. Pharmacy Practice Skills: A Guide for Students and Instructors, 1st edition. McGraw Hill Access Pharmacy, 2021.
Gupta V, Williams E, Clark M, Nguyen S, Cone CJ, editors. Pharmacy Practice Skills: A Guide for Students and Instructors, 1st edition. McGraw Hill Access Pharmacy, 2021.
Cone CJ. Diuretics. King MS and Lipsky MS, editors. Blueprints in Family Medicine, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Wolters Kluwer and Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2018.
Memberships and Affiliations
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 2008 – present
College of Dean’s Sig 2015 – present
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-racism taskforce 2021 - present
Assessment Sig 2015 – present
Programming committee 2018 - present
Self-Care Sig 2011-2015
Nominations Subcommittee 2013 – 2015
Phi Lambda Sigma, Leadership Society inducted 1996
Kappa Psi 1993 – present
New Mexico Society of Health Systems Pharmacy 1997 – 2017
Treasurer, 2014
Chair education committee, 2013 – 2014
Co-chair education committee, 2005
Sterile Products Committee Member 2011 – 2013