Secondary Application
This secondary application is available by invitation only to those who have submitted an AACOMAS application and have passed an initial screening.
While you can only submit the supplemental application after you are invited, many of our applicants like to get an early start on filling out the application so they can submit as soon as possible if/when they are invited to do so.
- Only submit this secondary application if you have been invited to do so.
- Please be certain that everything is correct and complete before you submit. Once paid, the application fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
Creating Your Account and Accessing the Application
This application is on a platform that is used by all colleges and schools within the Touro College and University System (AKA Touro University). Please follow the directions below to ensure you complete the correct application.
Creating an Account
The TUCOM supplemental application may be accessed visiting https://apply.tu.edu/oc.
First-Time User
- If you are a first-time user, please click on Register Now and follow the instructions to create your account.
Returning User
- If you have already a username and password for this system (i.e., you have already applied for another program at any of the Touro campuses), please enter those credentials and click the Log In button, then click on the New Application button.
Completing the Application
Below are step-by-step instructions to take you through the supplemental application fields.
New Application Page
Please make the following selections on this page:
- Location: Touro University California
- College: College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Application: TUCOM Supplemental Application – Invited to Apply (TUC)
Programs Page
Please make the following selections on this page:
- Entering as: New Student
- Program/Location: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine – (Mare Island)
- Major/Track: Osteopathic Medicine
- Term: Fall 2025
Applicant Information Page
- Please complete all required fields.
Additional Information Page
- Please complete all required sections.
- Please note that short answers/Essays should be limited to no more than 3,000 characters (600 words).
Terms and Conditions Page
- Please answer the required questions.
- Before clicking next, please review all previous pages to make certain your responses are as you intended. After you click next, you will not be able to return and make corrections.
Application Fee List Page
Submitting with a Fee Waiver Code
If you have been granted a fee waiver through the AACOMAS process, you are not required to pay the secondary application fee. Please forward a copy of your fee waiver to tuc.admit@touro.edu and we will provide you with a wavier code. When you receive your code, please follow the steps below:
- Click on Apply/Removeunder Discount Code
- In the box labeled Discount Code, enter the code you were given
- Click the Apply Discount Code button
- Close the invoice window
- Indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions
- Click on the Next button
- Check the I Agree box, then click the Submit button
Submitting without a Fee Waiver Code
If you have not been granted a fee waiver through the Office of Admissions:
- Indicate your agreement with the terms and conditions
- Click on the Pay Online button
- Enter your payment information then click Continue
- Check the I Agree box, then click the Submit Button
Congratulations! Your application has been submitted and will be reviewed as soon as possible! If you have questions about the status of your application, please contact Ms. Lynn Huckle (lhuckle@touro.edu).