Social Justice Series 2023

Social Justice Series

The Social Justice in Public Health Seminar (Webinar) Series is an innovative collection of lectures from experts in the field of public policy, public health, and social justice, designed for students in public health, medicine, education, pharmacy and nursing degree programs. The purpose of this seminar series is to provide an introduction to topics in social justice and public health.

2022 Lecture Series

Economic and Political Inequality, A Threat to Public Health

The 8th annual Social Justice in Public Health Lecture series. This year's topic is titled "Economic and Political inequality - a threat to public health".

Session 1: Economic and Political Inequality, A Threat to Public Health

Author of “ The Political Determinants of Health” Daniel E. Dawes, provides a thought provoking keynote address on the American process of politics and economics as a determinant of health and why we must address political determinants to create a socially just and healthy society.
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Session 2: Reparations as a Public Health Priority

Kerby Lynch, Corrina Gould, and Kim DeOcampo discuss how African Americans and Native Americans are two groups that have been most affected by structural racism resulting in disparities in health outcomes. Recent attention has shifted to reparations as part of the solution to inequities. The members of this panel discuss strategies for reparation and the role reparation can play in reducing the health gap.
Watch Session 2 Video

Session 3: Poverty in California: Mayors for Guaranteed Income

Emeritus Mayor Michael Tubbs, Mayor Libby Schaff, and Michael Tubbs have a discussion of how California can address the housing and economic insecurity crisis by offering guaranteed income to members of the community most at risk.
Watch Session 3 Video

Session 4: Health Impacts of Housing

The connections between where we live, work and socialize to health outcomes are well documented in the disparities in lifespan by zip code and other geographically determined measures. Panel experts, like Cheri Honkala, discuss the public health consequences of housing, residential segregation and gentrification.
Watch Session 4 Video

Session 5: Economic Inequality and Public Health- Strategies & Solutions

Dr. Frank Franklin, Deputy Health Commissioner of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health wraps up the 8th annual TUC Social Justice in Public Health Speaker Series with an overview of the Public Health Strategies and Solutions to address economic inequality and the resulting health burden in our communities.
Watch Session 5 Video