MPH Global Health
Think big. Think global. With Touro's Global Health Concentration, you have the opportunity for deep, hands-on engagement with global health issues.
Our Global Health Track
The Public Health Program's Global Health Concentration prepares you to be an effective leader and advocate for global health. Our curriculum reflects the current realities of health around the world and reinforces the links between countries at different stages of economic development.
Through practical work in complex international settings, you will gain an understanding of the challenges in global health, the complexity of solutions, and the role you can play as a global health professional and agent of change.
Field Study Sites
Global Health Concentration students conduct their field studies at sites in Bolivia, Cambodia or Ethiopia under the guidance of site preceptors and course coordinators at public health institutions, universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and United Nations agencies.
The MPH Program has institutional agreements with the following countries where students can conduct their field study to work and learn in public health institutions, universities, United Nations agencies, and governmental and non-governmental organizations:
- Bolivia
- Cambodia
- Ethiopia
- Nepal
- Uganda
Global Health Track Coursework
In addition to the core curriculum, you will take six credits, or two classes, in your global health concentration.
PBHC 602 Emerging Health Threats (3 units)
Emerging bacterial, protozoal, and viral diseases represent an increasing threat to human health. This course aims to examine the impact of emerging and reemerging disease agents which affect public health in the United States and worldwide. More specifically, this course will explore the challenges and strategies public health professionals will face in the diagnosis, prevention, control and surveillance of emerging health threats. This course will highlight the role of person, time and place in specific emerging health threats such as Malaria, Ebola, West Nile Virus, Influenza, MRSA, and Tuberculosis among many others.
PBHC 614 Essentials of Global Health (3 units)
This course introduces students to the field of global public health with an emphasis on the developing world. The course orients students to the skills necessary for understanding patterns and illness in resource-poor countries. It explores the continuum between health and sickness in populations around the world and emphasizes the influence of both global and domestic factors in contributing to variation in health. Students are introduced to the major health problems currently impacting the developing world and alerted to the importance of a global approach to solving these health problems. Additionally, they will be introduced to the major players in international health: the donor communities, Ministries of Health, and UN agencies.