Black mother wearing BLM t-shirt with child holding up an I voted sticker

MPH Criminal Justice & Health

Unique and Important.

Touro University California is the first graduate program accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health to offer a concentration in Criminal Justice and Health. Join our one-of-a-kind concentration and explore the intersection of health and the U.S. justice system.

Our Criminal Justice and Health Track

Framed within core public health concepts, the Criminal Justice and Health Concentration focuses on the intersection of health and the U.S. justice system and addresses the public health impacts of criminal justice and mass incarceration on individuals, families, and communities.

Our specialized curriculum is centered on the criminal justice system, strategies for prevention and reduction of justice involvement, correctional health systems, reentry and recidivism, and social and community impacts of incarceration.

As a student in this concentration, you will:

  • contribute to the expansion of research and policy in the promotion of health.
  • be well-prepared to advocate for and address the needs of justice-involved populations.
  • as a MPH student with clinical training, gain knowledge and skills needed to provide medical care for incarcerated and post-release populations.
  • Understand the historical origins of the criminal justice system and analyze the development of legal systems and the impact of mass incarceration in the U.S.
  • Understand U.S. law and public health at the intersection of the criminal justice system.
  • Evaluate the collateral consequences of criminal justice policy at local, state and federal levels and the impact on community health and well-being.

Formulate, analyze, and advocate for policies aimed to improve the health of populations impacted by the criminal justice system.

Criminal Justice and Health Field Study

The Public Health Field Study provides you with the opportunity to apply and integrate skills and knowledge acquired during your didactic coursework into public health practice, translating that experience to hands-on “real world” situations to mitigate the downstream effects of the criminal justice system on public health, as well as focusing on upstream solutions.

You will work with organizations to address the needs of justice-involved people and impacted communities. You may conduct your field study at California correctional facilities or community-based organizations, non-profit/non-governmental organizations, which include but are not limited to:

  • Berkeley Youth Alternatives
  • California Correctional Health Care Services
  • Centerforce, Oakland, CA
  • Drug Safe Solano, Vallejo, CA
  • Health Education Council, Sacramento, CA
  • La Clinica de La Raza Transitions Clinic, Vallejo, CA
  • Life Learning Academy Charter High School, San Francisco, CA
  • Solano County Jail Services, Fairfield, CA
  • Roots Community Health Clinic, Oakland, CA