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Detail page for MCAST Discusses Applying Research for Real Problems Found in MaltaMCAST Discusses Applying Research for Real Problems Found in Malta
The international guest speakers included Karin Hannes from KU Leuven University in Belgium, Shane Desselle from Touro University in California, and Stefan Rädiker, a highly regarded consultant and trainer specializing in MAXQDA software.
Detail page for In-Hospital Mortality Rate Higher Among Older Adults Who Spent Night in ED vs. WardIn-Hospital Mortality Rate Higher Among Older Adults Who Spent Night in ED vs. Ward
The caveat about this study is that it focuses on French patients and French overnight ED vs. hospital floor care, and this may not be generalized to the U.S. population because of differences in health system operations, nursing care and severity of illness allowable for floor patients in France.
Detail page for Conquering Diabetes Therapeutic Inertia: Practical Tips For Primary CareConquering Diabetes Therapeutic Inertia: Practical Tips For Primary Care
Diabetes is a complex condition that is largely self-managed. Decades of scientific evidence has proved that early glycemic control leads to improved microvascular and macrovascular outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus. Despite well-established management guidelines, only about half of the patients with diabetes achieve glycemic targets, and only one in five patients achieve metabolic control (blood pressure, lipid, and glucose targets), and both patients and physicians find themselves stuck in a rut called therapeutic inertia (TI).
Detail page for How Increased Screen Time And Bad Postures Harm Neck And Spine, And What Must Be Done To Prevent Tech NeckHow Increased Screen Time And Bad Postures Harm Neck And Spine, And What Must Be Done To Prevent Tech Neck
When one tilts the head forward 60 degrees, 60 pounds of pressure (about 272 Newtons of force) are exerted on the neck, said Dr Stacey Pierce-Talsma from Touro University California, according to the American Osteopathic Association.
Detail page for Should dolutegravir always be withheld in people with HIVShould dolutegravir always be withheld in people with HIV
Dolutegravir (DTG), an integrase strand transfer inhibitor is currently the recommended first and second line anti-retroviral therapy (ART) anchor agent by the World Health Organization due to its favorable side effect profile, high efficacy and genetic barrier to resistance. Despite its very good side effect profile, there have been multiple case reports of ART experienced patients developing hyperglycemia within weeks to a few months after switching to DTG preceded by weight loss.
Detail page for Solano Economic Development Corporation Announces Pilot Syar Foundation SummitSolano Economic Development Corporation Announces Pilot Syar Foundation Summit
The summit will aim to bridge the historic gap between the philanthropic sector and Solano County nonprofits. This event will mark the first endeavor of its kind in Solano County, bringing representatives from philanthropic arms of Silicon Valley companies, as well as funders and philanthropists from across the Bay Area, to meet with local nonprofits, elected officials, and community leaders to learn about the needs and opportunities in the region.
Detail page for MDMA-Assisted Therapy Demonstrates Significant Reductions in Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderMDMA-Assisted Therapy Demonstrates Significant Reductions in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
“COVID-19 delayed a lot of clinical trials in the past year or 2, especially things that weren't related to treating COVID-19, but it seems like by about the end of 2023, MDMA is very likely to become FDA-approved for PTSD,” Kelan Thomas, PharmD, MS, associate professor of clinical sciences at Touro University California College of Pharmacy.
Detail page for Commission for Women and Girls providing menstrual productsCommission for Women and Girls providing menstrual products
The Solano Commission for Women and Girls is launching a Period Project Drive to provide menstrual hygiene products to low-income and homeless women throughout Solano County. The initiative is in partnership with the Friends of the Commission and the American Women’s Medical Association chapter of Touro University California.
Detail page for Dr. Tami Hendriksz, D.O. - Touro California COM's "Rockstar" Dean!Dr. Tami Hendriksz, D.O. - Touro California COM's "Rockstar" Dean!
We are excited to be joined by the dean of Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Tami Hendriksz, a true "D.O. Rockstar!" Dr. Hendriksz will shed light on what makes Touro California stand out as an academic institution, as well as what students can expect form four years in Vallejo, California.
Detail page for Optimizing Outcomes in Patients with HyperkalemiaOptimizing Outcomes in Patients with Hyperkalemia
In this program, experts will discuss the risk factors for, and risks of hyperkalemia, treatment goals of acute and chronic hyperkalemia, the importance of RAASi in CKD and HF patients, the potential adverse outcomes in individuals with ESRD undergoing adequate hemodialysis with predialysis hyperkalemia, and evidence with K+ binders in various patient populations.