female and male COM students smiling together outdoors

Where Science Meets Humanity

Touro's College of Osteopathic Medicine

In Touro California’s Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program you’ll gain medical knowledge, hands-on clinical skills training, and clinical experience. Our curriculum integrates the best tenets of osteopathic medicine as we focus on learning that treats the person as well as the disease. Touro California's DO graduates divide almost equally between careers in primary care and specialty medicine.

100% Match Rate since 2017

With Our Program You will

Change Your Community

Provide public service by working with our Student-Run Free Clinic, Mobile Diabetes Education Center, and more.

Gain Early Experience

Combine coursework with osteopathic manipulative medicine starting from day one and throughout all four years.

Have Caring Faculty

Wellness, Academics, Resilience, and Mindfulness (WARM) balance your development as a physician and person.

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