Nursing Celebrates Accreditation
School of Nursing Celebrates Accreditation for MSN and FNP

You’ll have to forgive the School of Nursing for doing a bit of celebrating lately. The program recently learned it earned accreditation for both the Master of Science of Nursing (MSN) and post master’s Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) degree offerings.
Interim Program Director Dr. Terrye Moore-Harper and Founding Program Director Dr. Ann Stoltz helped guide the accreditation process for the two programs, which was approved for 10 years, a rarity for such a young program.
College of Education and Health Sciences Dean Dr. Lisa Norton credited the entire nursing team – staff, students and faculty – with this big achievement.
"I want to congratulate the entire Nursing team … for the phenomenal achievement of a 10-year period of accreditation for both the MSN program and the post- master's FNP program,” Dr. Norton said. “The highest level of accreditation is essential to the health and growth of our School of Nursing into the future. It is unusual for such new programs to receive the full ten years and is a testament to quality and student-centeredness of the program design and execution.”
The news comes at the end of a long period of exhaustive work both on the campus and in healthcare settings for the whole Touro nursing family.