Members of COM Cohort Don White Coats

Nearly 200 Cross Stage to Become Student Doctors with Class of 2028

September 18, 2024
Group of seven Class of 2028 students pose in white coats at the White Coat Ceremony.
Class of 2028 students pose at the White Coat Ceremony.

Members of an expanded College of Osteopathic Medicine Class of 2028 crossed the stage Sept. 8 in a packed Lander Hall Auditorium to receive their white coats and enter the ranks of student physicians. 

Dr. Tami Hendriksz, Dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Interim Chief Academic Officer for TUC, shared words of encouragement with the new cohort of student doctors.

"As you put on this white coat, know that you are not just stepping into a profession -- you are stepping into a calling. This journey will challenge you, stretch you, and at times, push you beyond what you think you’re capable of. But remember, you were chosen for this path because you are capable,” said Hendriksz, DO Class of 2006.

“I stood where you are now, full of hope, excitement, and a little bit of uncertainty. Every long night of studying, every patient you care for, and every lesson you learn will shape you into the physician you are meant to be. Trust in your abilities, lean on each other, and always remember why you started this journey,” she said. 

“You are never alone. We, your mentors, peers, and future colleagues, believe in you. This coat is more than a symbol -- it’s a reminder that you carry with you the responsibility and privilege to heal, to listen, and to lead with compassion,” she said. “Wear it with pride. You are part of something extraordinary.”

The White Coat Ceremony is a time-honored rite of passage for students in numerous medical education programs, symbolizing the start of a new chapter in their careers as health care professionals. The participation of family, alumni and friends serves as a powerful reminder of the community that stands behind them.

This is the largest COM class in the University’s 27-year history.

The Class of 2028 expanded from 135 to 189 members after TUC gained approval from its accrediting body.