The Office of the Senior Associate Dean and the Clinical Education Department.

We have the resources you need to become a TUCOM affiliate site, a preceptor, or engage in professional development and get CME for teaching or attending sessions.

Natalie Nevins, DO, MSHPE, FS, COL USAR

Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education and Program Development, College of Osteopathic MedicineProfessor of Family Medicine and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine

Areas of Expertise

  • Graduate Medical Education
  • Residency development
  • Faculty development
  • Resilience training
  • Military medicine
  • Disaster medicine
  • Simulation training & VR simulation training
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine/Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine
  • Humanitarian aid
  • Medical education
  • Aviation medicine
  • Trauma informed care
  • Cultural competency training.


Natalie A. Nevins, DO, MSHPE, is an internationally recognized physician, medical educator, author, and researcher with extensive experience in nonprofit health, humanitarian aid, medical simulation training, resilience training, disaster, military, and aviation medicine. She currently serves as the Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education and Program Development, and Professor of Family Medicine and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine at Touro University California, College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Dr. Nevins is a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, currently serving as faculty in the Family Medicine Department at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. Previously, she served as the Commander for the 820th Hospital Center, Commander for the 328th Field Hospital and as the Command Flight Surgeon for Army Reserve Aviation Command, as well as other positions in the Army Reserve. She served on active duty with the U.S. Air Force’s 61st Medical Squadron as the Chief of Field Response, Clinical Director of Laboratory and Radiology Services, Chairman for Infection Control, and Director of EMT Training. She is currently enrolled in the U.S Army War College, expecting to graduate with a Master of Strategic Studies in July 2023. Because of her military and civilian service, Dr. Nevins has won numerous awards, including the "9A" Proficiency Designator, an honor bestowed by the Army Surgeon General as the highest recognition for professional excellence in the Army Medical Department, the Outstanding Female Leader of the Year in 2022 from the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, the lifetime achievement award from the Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of California, and the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award. Her military awards include two Army Meritorious Service Medals, the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Operation Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal, and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. She has presented at numerous national conventions and is a member of several national committees including the American Council on Graduate Medical Education’s inaugural Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Residency Committee, and now serves on its Appeals Committee.


  • U.S. Army War College – Master of Strategic Studies
    Enrolled June 2021. Expected graduation date July 2023
  • CONCORD-PBRN Research Fellowship
    Feb 2011-Dec 2011
    University of North Texas- Osteopathic Research Center
  • Family Medicine Residency
    Downey Regional Medical Center
    Chief Resident
  • Traditional Rotating Internship
    Downey Regional Medical Center
  • Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
    graduation date 6/14/97
    Western University of Health Sciences
    College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific (COMP)
  • Master of Science in Health Professions Education
    graduation date 6/14/97
    Western University of Health Sciences
    College of Allied Health
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Fellow
    Western University of Health Sciences, COMP
  • Bachelor of Arts
    University of Arizona
    Interdisciplinary Studies Major in three areas:
    Exercise and Sport Science
    Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Medical Anthropology

Honors and Awards

  • The Army Surgeon General’s 9A Proficiency Designator, 9/2022
  • Army Meritorious Service Medal, 6/8/2022
  • 2022 Outstanding Female Leader, American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
  • 2019 Aeromedical Outstanding Achievement Award.
  • Society of United States Army Flight Surgeons, 4/17/2020
  • Army Achievement Medal, 3/12/2020
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons of California 2/2020
  • Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal, US Army, 9/11/2019
  • Honoree for service for the Care Harbor – LA Free clinic, County of Los Angeles, October 2018
  • Army Meritorious Service Medal, 6/8/2018
  • Arnold P Gold Foundation’s 2018 Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award
  • Army Achievement Medal, 5/4/2017
  • Commendation for Dedicated Service to the Citizens of Los Angeles County, County of Los Angeles 4th District Supervisor. 6/29/2016
  • Certificate of Recognition Service to the Citizens of Downey, City of Downey, 6/29/2016
  • Commendation as Medical Director for Care Harbor-Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles
    12/9/2014, 10/18/2015, 11/19/2017
  • Paul Harris Fellow, The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, 2013
  • Commendation for dedicated service to the affairs of the community, County of Los Angeles
  • Distinguished Service Award, ACOFP 2012-2013
    Physician of the Year, Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons of California 3/2011
  • Service Commendation, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors 2010
  • Human Services Association, Spirit of Service Award, 9/29/2010
  • Richard Eby Humanitarian Award, OPSC 2008
  • AOA Mentor Hall of Fame Inductee 2007
  • Nominee, Mentor of the Year, AOA 2007
  • Downey Regional Medical Center's "Hospital Hero" award presented at the inaugural Hospital
    Hero Awards by the National Health Foundation, 2007
  • Most Valuable Physician Award, OPSC 2/2007
  • Affiliate Chapter President of the Year, OPSC 2/2005
  • Air Force Commendation Medal 2004
  • Rookie of the Year, OPSC 2003
  • The Dr. Elmore Rayman Caremore-Downey Regional Medical Center, Medical Education
    Award, "Most Outstanding Graduating Resident." June 2000
  • The Dr. Elmore Rayman Caremore-DCH Medical Education Award, "Most Outstanding First
    Year Resident." June 1999
  • Don and Jean Griva Memorial Award, 1997 Western University
  • James R. Sawrey Memorial Award, 1997 Western University
  • Class of 1989 Award, 1994 Western University

Recent Publications

When the Clinical Environment is Closed to Students: The Harsh Reality of COVID-19 and
Implications for Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine. Cureus, 12 December 2020.
Ken Heiles, Valerie Sheridan, Tami Hendriksz, Rebecca Giusti, Tyler C. Cymet, Natalie Nevins, DO and Alegneta Long, MPP

Medical Students Immersed in a Hyper-Realistic Surgical Training Environment Leads to
Improved Measures of Emotional Resiliency by Both Hardiness and Emotional Intelligence
Evaluation. Front. Psychol., 20 November 2020.
Allana White, Isain Zapata, Alissa Lenz, Rebecca Ryznar, Natalie Nevins, Tuan N. Hoang, Reginald Franciose, Marian Safaoui, David Clegg and Anthony J. LaPorta

The Effect of Hyper-Realistic Trauma Training on Emotional Intelligence in Second Year Military
Medical Students. Journal of Surgical Education Volume 77, Issue 6, November–December
2020, Pages 1422-1428.

Targeting Traits to Improve Medical Training. TD Magazine October 2020.
Gail Singer-Chang, Fanglong Dong , Natalie Nevins

Empathy in Medicine Self and Other in Medical Education: Initial Emotional Intelligence Trend
Analysis Widens the Lens Around Empathy and Burnout. The Journal of the American
Osteopathic Association, June 2020, Vol. 120, 388-394.
Gail Singer-Chang , Fanglong Dong , Michael Seffinger , Natalie Nevins , Janice Blumer , Helen Musharbash and Scott Helf

Effect of Immersion Trauma Training on Resiliency and Hardiness in Military Medical
Personnel. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, October 2019, Volume 229, Issue 4,
Supplement 1, Page S293
Szybist, Sarah OMS, II, 2LT, US Air Force; Rapada, Renato DO, CPT US Army; La Porta, Anthony J. MD, FACS; Singer-Chang, Gail Psy-D, MA, MS; Czekajlo, Michael S. MD, PhD; McDonald, Kelly PhD; Alson, Roy L. MD, PhD; Safaoui, Marian N. MD; Nevins, Natalie DO, US Army; Darmani, Niela

Structure and Function in Medical Education: Trend Analysis of Osteopathic Medical Student Emotional Intelligence (EI) Suggests Curricular Modifications May Improve Functional Traits 2018 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition, The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, November 2018, Vol. 118, e101-e202. doi: 10.7556/jaoa.2018.163
Gail Singer-Chang, PsyD1; Fanlong Dong, PhD2; Natalie Nevins, DO, MSHPE; Michael Seffinger, DO; Janice Blumer, DO; Niela Darmani, MSHS1; Scott Helf, DO, MSIT

Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine Vol.4e, Author Chapter 20B: Environmental Issues, p455-458 and 24A: An Osteopathic Approach to Case-based Learning, p510-515. Wolters Kluwer. Publication December 2018.

Somatic Dysfunction and Use of Osteopathic Manual Treatment Techniques During Ambulatory Medical Care Visits: A CONCORD-PBRN Study. J Am Osteopath Assoc May 1, 2014 vol. 114 no. 5 344-354.
John C Licciardone 1, Cathleen M Kearns, Hollis H King, Michael A Seffinger, W Thomas Crow, Peter Zajac, William H Devine, Reem Y Abu-Sbaih, Stephen J Miller, Murray R Berkowitz, Robin Dyer, Deborah M Heath, Kevin D Treffer, Natalie A Nevins, Subhash Aryal

The Safety and Efficacy of Osteopathic Manipulation in the Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) in U.S. Service Members as Validated by SPECT Scan: A report of planned research. JAAO Vol.22, Num.2 Summer 2012. Natalie Nevins, Marcel Fraix

Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine Vol. 3, Author Chapter 23: Environmental Issues, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, October 2011.

Memberships and Affiliations

  • North American Primary Care Research Group
  • AMSUS - Society of Federal Health Professionals
  • American Osteopathic Association
  • American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians
  • American Academy of Osteopathy
  • Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons
  • Army Aviation Association of America
  • Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA)
  • Wilderness Medicine Society
  • Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons of California
  • The Cranial Academy