Dining & Catering
Touro California is a Jewish sponsored university and nowhere is that more evident than in the food you will find on our campus.
Our Chef creatively adapts favorite recipes and menu items in his kosher kitchen that appeal to a wide variety of Touro guests. For personal assistance and information, please contact us at 707-638-5506.
More about our Dining Options & Menus and Events & Catering.
Our Chef

Chef Raymond Nottie grew up watching his mother and grandmother cook in their Mississippi kitchen. There he learned his first culinary lesson: that cooking comes from the heart. Chef Nottie later graduated from the Laney College Culinary Arts program and has spent the last 25 years cooking from the heart and infusing passion into his down-home style of cooking.
Prior to leading the dining team at Touro, Chef Nottie was a highly sought-after asset in B&I (business & industry dining). He spent time as chef and manager at well-known businesses as Google, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard and the International House at UC Berkeley. Chef Nottie has led our kosher kitchen and culinary staff since 2013.
Our Kosher Kitchen
Touro California operates a kosher kitchen under the supervision of Rabbi Aharon Simkin.
The meats Chef Nottie serves are Glatt kosher. For meat to be Glatt kosher, it must come from a kosher animal with adhesion-free or smooth lungs and slaughtered in a kosher way.
Our dairy meals are stamchalav. Milk and dairy products are ChalavYisrael (Israel Milk) if they undergo constant rabbinical supervision; from milking to packaging.
Separating Milk & Dairy
Kosher foods include three categories:
- Meat includes the meat or bones of mammals and fowl, soups or gravies made with them, and any food containing even a small quantity of the above.
- Dairy includes the milk of any kosher animal, all milk products made with it (cream, butter, cheese, etc.), and any food containing even a small quantity of these things.
- Pareve foods are neither "meat" nor "dairy." Eggs are pareve, as are all fruits, vegetables and grains. Pareve foods can be mixed with and eaten together with either meat or dairy.
Meat and dairy are never combined. Separate utensils are used for each, and a waiting period is observed between eating them. Depending on what is eaten, waiting periods may last from 30-minutes to six-hours.
Service between dairy and meat meals must be at least one hour. For instance, when breakfasts include dairy items, any unused food, utensils, and tablecloths must be picked up at least one hour before the start of a lunch where meat is served.
Meat and dairy foods may not be eaten at the same meal, even if they are in separate dishes and even if a waiting time elapses.
What are Jewish Dietary Laws?
A person keeps kosher if he or she follows Jewish Dietary Laws. Jewish Dietary Laws are derived from Biblical laws and rabbinical extensions.
Jewish Dietary Laws say:
- Certain animals are never eaten. Only animals that are ruminant (chew its cud) and have split hooves are eaten.
- Birds and mammals approved for human consumption must be slaughtered according to Jewish law.
- Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten.
- All blood must be drained from the meat or broiled out of it before it is eaten.
- Meat (the flesh of birds and mammals) cannot be eaten with dairy.
- Eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains are considered pareve, and can be eaten with either meat or dairy. Fish is also considered pareve, but some kosher-observant Jews do not eat fish with meat.
- Utensils that have come into contact with meat (while hot) may not be used with dairy, and vice versa. Utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food (while hot) may not be used with kosher food.
- Grape products made by non-Jews are not to be eaten.
Guide to Kosher Symbols:
The "kosherness" of any given food is indicated by a symbol printed on its packaging. Each symbol represents a particular agency's certification that the food has been processed in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws.
Common Kosher Symbols Found on our kosher food products and in our vending machines:
Founded in 1898, The Orthodox Union (OU) is one of the oldest and largest Orthodox Jewish organizations in America. Its simple logo of an “O” surrounding a "U" is the most recognizable kosher symbol in the world. According to the OU, the symbol appears on more than 800,000 products, produced in more than 6,000 plants located in 92 countries. The OU employs some 600 Rabbinic Field Representatives who travel to food production facilities around the world, inspect equipment and ingredients, and supervise manufacturing processes to ensure adherence to strict kosher standards.
Dining Options
Your highest quality dining experience is at the heart of all we do. Chef Nottie and the Touro California culinary team strive to bring you an abundance of kosher dining options that are both diverse and delicious. Serving you is always our pleasure!
Touro Kafe
Monday - Thursday, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Friday, 11:00 am - 1:20 pm
Farragut Inn
The Touro Kafe occupies what was once the Officer's Club of the Mare Island naval base. The Kafe is a full-service restaurant offering chef-prepared lunch service to students, faculty, and visitors. Tasty, new dining choices using only the freshest kosher-certified ingredients are available each week. Vegetarian options are also available daily.
Touro Bistro
Monday - Thursday, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Friday, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Lander Hall
The Touro Bistro serves chef-prepared kosher lunches. The Bistro fare includes a choice of two soups daily (one vegetarian), hot entrees, freshly made sandwiches to go, snacks, beverages and assorted desserts. The Bistro also boasts a variety of grab and go salads.
Vending Options
The Library, Wilderman Hall, Lander Hall & Farragut Inn
Vending machines are accessible whenever campus is open. Additional vending machines stock premade food and snack items. These vending machine items are regularly refreshed.
Our quick-dispense coffee machines serve Peet's Fresh Ground Coffee. Peet's is one of Northern California's top selling coffee brands. Campus machines offer a variety of hot beverage options including espresso, hot chocolate, cafe mocha, cappuccino, latte, along with regular and decaf coffee.
Events & Catering
No matter the size of your event, Chef Nottie and the Touro California Culinary team are ready and eager to provide you with delicious food and exceptional service. Several menu options are available and our skilled chefs are happy to work with you to create a customized menu sure to please.
Catering Policies
Touro University California (TUC) Dining & Catering Services provides full-service catering to the university community and our guests. We will also assist in menu selection, linen, and other items necessary to make your event a success. Whether arranging for a group of 15 or 500, it is our pleasure to hold your event with the highest level of professionalism and satisfaction. We take pride in preparing Kosher meals that will make your event memorable.
Exclusivity: TUC Dining and Catering is the exclusive caterer for on the Mare Island California campus and all sponsored events. TUC Dining and Catering will provide all food and beverages. No other outside entity may provide kosher or non-kosher catering services without written permission from Rabbi Tenenbaum and prior consent from TUC Dining and Catering Service’s first right of refusal.
Room Arrangements:
- Client guests will be admitted to the meeting/banquet room(s) and are expected to depart at the time stated on the Banquet Event Order.
- TUC is not responsible for damages to, or loss of, any items left in the University prior to or following any events.
- Any items to be put in any meeting room, banquet, or on any wall on campus must first be approved by the Executive or Sous Chef.
- All TUC facilities are non-smoking.
- Events may incur room rental fees, security fees, or equipment fees depending on the type and size of event.
- The maximum length of any event is four (4) hours, if your event is scheduled to exceed four (4) hours, prior approval is required. No event may go past 10:00pm.
- No events may occur after 3:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon until sundown on Saturday evening in observance of Shabbat (Sabbath).
Reservations & Menu Selection:
- A minimum of 10 people is required for any catered event during regular business hours at TUC, any exceptions will be evaluated on an individual basis. Large events will require meetings with the TUC Dining and Catering team.
- A minimum food order of $2500 is required for all weekend catering events (Sunday 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.).
- Booking a catered event requires a two-week minimum notice for all campus events. All events are subject to TUC Dining & Catering approval and kitchen availability. Menu choices may be limited.
- Menu selection must be completed ten business days prior to the event date. TUC Dining and Catering will try to accommodate late requests, but options will be limited to the Chef's weekly menu item for the day of the event.
- Menu changes to the agreed upon menu made less than a week prior to the event date will result in an administrative charge of $75.00 per change.
- Due to fluctuations in food costs and seasonal market pricing, menu pricing is subject to change.
- No credit will be given for unused food or under attended events. TUC purchases many products from outside kosher vendors. Should a vendor fail to deliver an order in a timely fashion, we reserve the right to substitute a comparable menu item.
- All student sponsored catering events must receive approval from the University Rabbi.
Guarantees and Cancellations:
- TUC Dining and Catering be notified of the guaranteed guest count within one week prior to the date of your event. If a guarantee of attendance is not received within one week prior to your event, the estimated attendance, as indicated on the Catering Request Form, will become the guaranteed attendance. You will be billed for the guaranteed guest count, or the number of guests served, whichever is greater. Any requests to increase the guaranteed guest count after a week prior to your event will result in a $75.00 charge per change.
- If a scheduled event is canceled within 24 hours of the requested delivery time, the reserving party will be responsible for payment in full to TUC. If a canceled event has been quoted an additional 18% staffing charge for after-hours labor that fee will be waived along with any delivery fees.
- Events with a value of $500 or more canceled within five business (5) days of the event date will result in a 25% of the total cost of the event as a cancellation fee. Events less than $500.00 in value will be subject to the cost of all food items purchased and/or prepared.
- The University reserves the right to cancel the event due to emergency situations and/or severe inclement weather or natural disaster.
Delivery Fees:
- Any delivery beyond Mare Island will have a minimum delivery charge of $75.00.
- If deliveries are requested beyond 5 miles from campus, an additional charge of $3.00/mile of total trip miles will be included in the final bill.
- Food may be picked up if groups choose to avoid this charge, if in accordance with California Food Safety Laws.
Fees and Taxes:
- Non-campus events are responsible for all federal, state, and municipal taxes (all taxes combined = 9.25%) which may be imposed or be applicable to the Catering Request Form and to the services rendered by TUC are in addition to the prices agreed upon.
- Non-campus events will be charged an Administrative Fee of eighteen percent (18%) applied to the Catering Request Form to offset labor and administration costs. This Administrative Fee is taxable, and it is in addition to the agreed upon prices. The Administrative Fee is not a gratuity, but a charge to cover overhead and/or other miscellaneous expenses.
- Off campus groups are responsible to obtain liability insurance for any damages, loss, or liability incurred by Touro University California by any of the group's guests or any persons or organizations contracted by the group to provide any service or goods before, during, and after the event.
- TUC will not be liable for nonperformance of any Dining and Catering agreement when such nonperformance is attributable to labor troubles, disputes, accidents, government regulations of or restrictions upon travel or transportation, non-availability of food, beverages or supplies, riots, national emergencies, acts of God and other causes whether enumerated herein or not, which are beyond the reasonable control of TUC, preventing or interfering with TUC's performance.
- Any changes, additions, stipulations, or deletions to the agreed upon Catering Request Form must be made and agreed to in writing in a separate attached addendum and signed by both parties.
- If the group wishes to hire outside vendors to provide any goods or services at TUC during the event, TUC may, in its sole discretion, require such vendors to provide TUC, in form and amount reasonably satisfactory to TUC, an indemnification agreement, copy of a valid business license, and proof of adequate insurance.
- All parties agree, in the event litigation relating to this Agreement is filed by either party, the non-prevailing party in such litigation will pay the prevailing parties costs resulting from litigation, including reasonable attorney's fees.
- Events involving the service of alcoholic beverages will comply with the State of California's policies governing such services. The individual designated as in charge of the event will accept responsibility to assist with compliance by the group with all State laws as needed.
- The maximum permitted time for alcohol service of three and one-half hours. This policy also designates alcohol service must end one-half hour prior to the conclusion of events greater than two hours in length.
- TUC Dining and Catering reserves the right to restrict service of alcoholic beverages in compliance with the State of California and the policies of TUC. We reserve the right to request age identification from anyone attending the event.
- For student groups, approval for use of alcohol must be obtained from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. If approval is granted, the group is responsible for obtaining an alcohol permit and liability insurance. The Dean of Students will provide information on how to secure these items should you have any questions. Additionally, depending on the size of the event there may be a charge for additional security.
Event Labor:
- Plated events will incur an 18% additional labor charge. All events with 25 people or more will also incur an 18% charge. These charges will always be applied to after-hours or off-site events. After-hours are from before 8:00am and later than 4:00pm weekdays, and Sunday all day.
- Decoration and design for events is the sole responsibility of TUC for the areas it intends to serve food and beverages. Dining and Catering will gladly coordinate event themes and needs by appointment during the pre-event consultation. Any additional decorating or event coordination needs will result in additional charges to the event invoice and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Charity or Fundraising Events are determined on a case-by-case basis and by appointment only.
Steps For A Successful Student Event
Below are some helpful steps for you to follow when planning your catered event. TUC Dining and Catering Services recommends placing your catering order request, at least three weeks in advance notice ensures our ability to properly plan for your event. If you have any questions, would like more information, or just want to check to see if something is Kosher, please contact the Director of Student Activities and/or the University Rabbi for assistance.
Important Note: TUC Dining and Catering Services has the right to first refusal for all TUC catering requests and all TUC catering/food purchases must follow that Kosher policy/procedures established by the university.
Scheduling Events and Room Reservations Procedures:
1. To assist you in planning your event, the student club/organization will need to obtain a few items of information:
- Touro University California Catering Menu.
- Organization/Company name, telephone number, and e-mail address of person filling the reservation.
- Type of function and service style (breakfast, lunch, seated dinner, buffet dinner, snack break, reception).
- Purpose or theme of the event.
- Any guest dietary requirements (e.g., gluten-free, sugar free, vegetarian, lactose intolerance, etc.).
- Estimated number of guests - to be confirmed by email or in writing 72 hours before event.
- Budget parameters.
- Requested On-Campus Location and Venue (if known).
2. All Student groups wishing to hold an event on campus must register the event on TUConnect with the Director of Student Activities, who will provide the organization with a final approval once all necessary approvals have been received (e.g., University Rabbi, Facilities, etc.).
3. After receiving final approval, the Director of Student Activities will review the event with the Master Calendar Committee to secure a date and to make all necessary room reservations on the Event Management System (EMS). The Master Calendar Committee meets once a month.
4. If tables, chairs, or other facility work is needed, please work with the Director of Student Activities to submit a service request to the TUC Facilities department. Facilities will set up the room with furniture and tear down the space once the event has concluded. Please submit these requests to Facilities at least three weeks prior to the event.
5. If you have any technology requests, please work with the Director of Student Activities to submit a service request to the IT department. Please submit these IT requests at least three weeks prior to the event. are early as possible.
Catering Request Procedures
1. To ensure everyone is aware of your needs, you will need to meet and finalize your event catering order with the Director of Student Activities and the Dining and Catering Sous Chef. All catering requests must be for a minimum of eight (8) people.
2. Ensure that all catering requests are submitted three (3) weeks in advance. Please note that no catering requests may be submitted for the same day and that no last-minute changes may be made 48 hours prior to the event.
3. Dining and Catering Services will provide the food, utensils, serving ware, dishes, and linen.
4. Keep all your catering food requests to the items included on the DCS catering menu.
5. You will need arrangement for payment to Dining and Catering Services by credit card or with either a personal or the TUC Student Government Association (SGA) check. All payments must be completed at least one month after the event.
Events Including Alcohol
1. You will need prior approval from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs for any events involving alcohol. Approval is granted only if your organization obtains the services of either a third-party alcoholic beverage caterer or you complete an Alcohol Beverage Control Application for a Day License and obtain additional liability insurance. For specific instructions on how to obtain approval for events with alcohol, please contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs or review the Student Alcohol Approval Policy included in the Student Catalog.
2. If you have an event with alcohol, your organization must follow the TUC Dining and Catering Services policy which stipulates a maximum alcohol service of three and one-half hours. This policy also designates alcohol service must end one-half hour prior to the conclusion of events greater than two hours in length.
3. Your organization must acknowledge that TUC Dining and Catering reserves the right to restrict service of alcoholic beverages in compliance with the State of California laws and the policies of TUC. TUC also reserves the right to request age identification from anyone attending the event.
4. Depending on the size of the event, your organization may be charged for additional security.
Steps For A Successful Department Event
Below are some helpful steps for you to follow when planning your catered event. TUC Dining and Catering Services (DCS) recommends placing your catering order request as early as possible, as advance notice ensures our ability to properly plan for your event. If you have any questions, would like more information, or just want to check to see if something is Kosher, please contact the Director of Student Activities and/or the University Rabbi for assistance.
Important Note: TUC Dining and Catering Services has the right to first refusal for all TUC catering requests and all TUC catering/food purchases must follow that Kosher policy/procedures established by the university.
Scheduling Events and Room Reservations Procedures:
1. To assist you in planning your event, you first will need to obtain a few items of information:
- Date and time of the event including start time, end time, and any breaks the group will be taking if necessary for replenishment period.
- Touro University California Catering Menu.
- Organization/Company name, telephone number, and e-mail address of person filling the reservation.
- Type of function and service style (breakfast, lunch, seated dinner, buffet dinner, snack break, reception).
- Purpose or theme of the event.
- Any guest dietary requirements (e.g., gluten-free, sugar free, vegetarian, lactose intolerance, etc.).
- Estimated number of guests - to be confirmed by email or in writing 72 hours before event.
- Budget parameters.
- Requested On-Campus Location and Venue (if known).
2. Check the following calendars and systems to ensure that here are no other events taking place at the date and time of our requested event and that on-campus space is available:
- University master calendar on TUConnect
- Event Management System (EMS)
- DCS Catering Calendar
3. If your requested date, time, and space are available, please reserve the room on EMS and submit your event to the Director of Student Activities and Chair of the Master Calendar Committee, who will review it with the committee for final approval.
4. During the event, Dining and Catering Services will provide the food, utensils, serving ware, dishes, and linen. DCS will not locate or move any furniture.
5. If tables, chairs, or other facility work is needed, please submit a service request to the TUC Facilities department at tuc.facilities@touro.edu. Facilities will set up the room with furniture and tear down the space once the event has concluded. Please submit these Facilities requests are early as possible.
6. If you have any technology requests, please submit a service request to the IT department at tuc.help@touro.edu. Please submit these IT requests are early as possible.
Catering Request Procedures:
- To ensure Dining and Catering Services is aware of your needs, you will need to submit a Catering Request Form and send it to tuc.catering@touro.edu.
- All lunch and dinner catering requests must be for a minimum of 8 people. If you would like to provide lunch catering for a group smaller than 8 people, we encourage you to take your guests through the line at the Farragut Inn Café.
- Ensure that all catering requests are submitted three (3) weeks in advance. Please note that no catering requests may be submitted for the same day and that no last-minute changes may be made 48 hours prior to the event.
- Last-minute changes are discouraged, and no changes may be made 48 hours prior to the event will be permitted.
- When ordering catering, keep your food requests to the items included on the DCS catering menu. Special requests are limited, are approved on a case-by-case basis, and are not guaranteed.
- You will need arrangement for payment to Dining and Catering Services by credit card or with either a personal or the TUC Student Government Association (SGA) check. All payments must be completed at least one month after the event.
- You will need arrangement for payment to Dining and Catering Services by department transfer or DCS House Account. All payments must be completed at least one month after the event.
- If you would like to use your department House Account when placing a catering request, be sure that you have reviewed your House Account balance before submitting your request to ensure that funds are available. On the catering request form, please also clearly state that you would like to use your House Account.
Steps For A Successful Event As A TUC Guest
Touro University California (TUC) is a Jewish sponsored university and nowhere is that more evident than in the food you will find on our campus. Chef Raymond Nottie creatively adapts favorite recipes and menu items in his kosher kitchen that appeal to a wide variety of Touro guests. The best part is that you do not have to keep kosher to enjoy the savory international dishes created with kosher mastery!
Dining and Catering Services (DCS) at TUC is excited to welcome you and your group to our historic campus. If you are interested in hosting an event at TUC, we have created this guide to help through the reservation process. DCS recommends placing your catering order request as early as possible, as advance notice ensures our ability to properly plan for your event. If you have any questions, would like more information, please contact us at tuc.catering@touro.edu. We are here to help you.
Important Note: TUC Dining and Catering Services has the right to first refusal for all TUC catering requests and all TUC catering/food purchases must follow that Kosher policy/procedures established by the university.
Pre-Planning Your Event:
To assist you in planning your event, you first will need to obtain a few items of information:
- Date and time of the event including start time, end time, and any breaks the group will be taking if necessary for replenishment period.
- Touro University California Catering Menu.
- Organization/Company name, telephone number, and e-mail address of person filling the reservation.
- Type of function and service style (breakfast, lunch, seated dinner, buffet dinner, snack break, reception).
- Purpose or theme of the event.
- Any guest dietary requirements (e.g., gluten-free, sugar free, vegetarian, lactose intolerance, etc.).
- Estimated number of guests - to be confirmed by email or in writing 72 hours before event.
- Budget parameters.
- Requested On-Campus Location and Venue (if known).
Planning Your Event:
Once you have this information, please contact us at tuc.catering@touro.edu and we will set up a meeting to discuss your event, help you complete the TUC “Outside Group Request for Facilities & Services” form, and assist you in planning out the following:
- TUC facility, Insurance, and Equipment Costs - Pricing and billing are based on several factors including your menu, guaranteed guest count, style of service, labor, and any additional charges for accessories and decorations.
- Menu - including special dietary requirements such as vegan or allergies.
- Location and Venue.
- Room Set-Up – We would be happy to help you determine how best to arrange your tables, chairs, buffet table, or any furnishings in the room.
- Type of service desired (e.g., buffet or served, paper, or China.
- Floral arrangements, linen color, and other specialty decor items desired can be arranged for additional costs.
- On-campus parking arrangements for you and your guests. Please note that on-campus parking is limited and does require permits. All TUC guests will need special one-day parking permits.
TUC Campus Rental and Catering Agreement:
Upon finalizing your arrangements and your date secured, a TUC Campus Rental and Catering Agreement will be sent to you. You will need to sign this Agreement and have it returned to TUC for our approval and counter signature. A copy of the fully executed signed contract will be sent to you.
Deposits and Payments:
- All non-University events require a deposit. Fourteen (14) days prior to the event, one half (50%) of the estimated bill is due upon acceptance of the event agreement.
- Dining and Catering Services requires a guaranteed number of people expected to attend the function five (5) business days prior to the event date. Events cancelled 30 days or more prior to the event will be reimbursed 75% of their initial deposit. Cancellations received after the 30-day deadline, forfeit their deposit. Cancellations 48 hours prior to the event are subject to the full contract amount.
- Payment must be in the form of cash, company check, certified check, or credit card.
- If the client’s organization maintains a tax-exempt status, the client must provide the University with a valid tax exemption certificate issued by the State of California. This must be provided to the University by the day of the event.
- The deposit will be applied to the final invoice at the conclusion of the event.
- Full payment is due on the day of the event. Any outstanding amounts due thirty days after the event will be subject to monthly late charges of up to five (5) percent of the amount due.
Additional Information:
Service Standards:
The Culinary Team at TUC strives to achieve the following service standards:
- All events should be ready 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
- One catering attendant is provided for every four tables for a buffet event.
- One catering attendant is provided for every 25 guests at social receptions.
- All tables are draped.
- Disposable products are usually provided for served events with kitchen facilities unless China, glass, and silverware are requested. Disposable products will be used for deliveries, pick-up orders, or if the kitchen facilities are closed.
Event Duration:
TUC is a busy campus that often hosts multiple events on some days. Therefore, to assist in the planning of events, the following are the allotted time periods for different styles of events (all buffets must not exceed 1 ½ hours in duration):
- Social Receptions – a maximum of four hours.
- Served Dinners (with program) – a maximum of three hours.
- Buffet Meals (with program) – a maximum of three hours.
- Buffet Meals (no program) – maximum of 1 ½ hours.
- Continental Breakfasts – a maximum of one hour.
Advance Notice:
We strongly recommend placing your order as early as possible. While every effort is made to accommodate all catering requests, late orders hinder our operational efficiency and affect menu availability. You are required to place your order by completing the TUC “Outside Group Request for Facilities & Services” form and contacting Dining and Catering Services at tuc.catering@touro.edu at least 2 weeks prior to the date of your event. Any changes after a week prior to your scheduled event will result in a $75.00 charge per change.
Please note that there are food item and ingredient restrictions due to Kosher laws or Judaic beliefs that must be followed. This may impact your request. Please check with the TUC Master Calendar for kitchen closures (i.e., Passover).
Special Orders:
TUC Dining and Catering are skilled at preparing a wide variety of specialty dishes, per your request, using their own recipes or those provided by our guests. If your event includes specific/specialty recipes you will need to allow additional 4-week time frame to the date of your event to ensure all ingredients are available, the recipe can be converted or modified to kosher standards, priced out, and have the recipe tested. If specialty items are not available through our vendors and must be secured elsewhere, an additional 5% charge will be added to the price of the items to cover labor and travel costs.