Judaic Values
Since its charter in 1970 Touro has served as a Jewish-sponsored graduate institution supporting diverse communities. We are dedicated to making world-class educational opportunities accessible to all members of society, across all races, nations and creeds.
Judaic values continue to guide us while we honor and serve people of all backgrounds. Our students, in turn, become accomplished, thoughtful citizens who share and perpetuate our belief in equal access to quality education, the treatment of all human beings with integrity and respect, personal and professional ethics, and the building of a responsive and responsible society.
Jewish Observances

In keeping with our traditions, Touro University California observes the Jewish calendar. Practicing students, faculty and staff can pursue their studies while observing Jewish religious holidays as well as the Sabbath (Shabbat). Calendars, kept by the University, reflect these observances. The University and campus closes on the Sabbath and Jewish Holy days.
All non-religious activities are prohibited from sundown Friday until an hour and a half after nightfall Saturday to allow for these observances. There are also several days where exams are not given to accommodate travel as well as religious observance. The formal Touro University California calendars note all these dates.
Kosher Policy

All food served on the campus, as well as at University-sponsored events, is Kosher, in keeping with these traditions. Campus Rabbi Elchonon Tenenbaum is the contact to ensure Kosher policy is followed. Our Dining and Catering Service is under the Supervising Kosher authority of North American Kosher, which ensures the highest in food quality for all campus guests.
Office of Student Jewish Life

The Office of Student Jewish Life provides for the coordination of Shabbat (observance of the Sabbath) on campus and in the nearby community, as overseen by Rabbi Elchonon Tenenbaum. Counseling, consultation and religious instruction are available to students and to members of the campus community, as well as to the local community. Student organizations are also sponsored out of this office.